United Nations Vote Blockade Again Cuba Session Live

Information technology was the 29th year that the U.North Full general Assembly had canonical the resolution, an almanac event used by critics of the United States to vent their anger over the Common cold War embargo.

Havana, the capital, in May. The United States had always voted no against the resolution until 2016, when it abstained in a signal of the Obama administration's move to repair relations.
Credit... Yamil Lage/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

For the 29th twelvemonth, the United Nations General Associates voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to condemn the Cold War-era American embargo on Cuba, with many diplomats exhorting the Biden administration to resume the reconciliation that was upended by one-time President Donald J. Trump.

In what was seen every bit a litmus test of President Biden's willingness to apace reverse his predecessor'south tough opinion toward Cuba, the Us opposed the resolution. During the final year of the Obama administration, when Mr. Biden was vice president, the United states abstained on the resolution for the first time.

The Biden administration's no vote appeared to signal, at to the lowest degree for now, that it would movement cautiously to undo Mr. Trump's policy on Republic of cuba, which remains a politically contentious issue in the United States, particularly in Florida, home to many Cubans who fled Fidel Castro and his successors.

The resolution denouncing the 6-decade embargo is symbolic simply, having no practical outcome. But the vote, held since 1992, amounts to a tradition for critics of American policy to vent their anger and express solidarity with Republic of cuba at the United nations.

In the run-up to the vote on Wednesday, speaker afterwards speaker representing blocs of countries that form the overwhelming bulk in the 193-member General Associates denounced the embargo as a cruel legacy of the Cold State of war and a humanitarian and financial disaster, reinforcing the isolation the United States has faced on this upshot.

Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez of Cuba, who attended the Full general Assembly vote, said the United States under the Trump administration had used the coronavirus pandemic "as an ally" in its repression of the country, which he called "a cunning blow."

Antonio Rodrigue, the administrator from Republic of haiti, representing a bloc of Caribbean area countries, told the assembly that catastrophe the embargo "would ameliorate the prospects for peace, cooperation and development in the region." Representatives from countries ranging from Azerbaijan to Vietnam expressed similar views.

Ambassador Vasily A. Nebenzia of Russian federation used the forum to criticize the American use of economic pressure level, denouncing what he chosen "the sanctions state of war that Washington has unleashed."

Rejecting the criticism earlier the vote, Rodney Hunter, the political coordinator at the Usa Mission to the United Nations, told other delegates that his country supported the Cuban people and was a significant supplier of aid despite the trade restrictions.

"Sanctions are one set of tools in our broader effort toward Cuba to advance democracy, promote respect for homo rights, and help the Cuban people practise the fundamental freedoms enshrined in the Universal Announcement of Human being Rights," Mr. Hunter said.

The General Assembly's previous vote, in November 2019, was 187 to 3, with the U.s. joined by Israel and Brazil in voting no, and the rest abstaining or not voting. The vote held in the assembly'south current session, which began in September 2020, had been postponed considering of the pandemic.

The last vote was 184 to 2 — with the Us and Israel opposed, 3 abstentions and four countries not voting.

The United states of america e'er had voted no against the resolution until 2016, when information technology abstained in a bespeak of the Obama administration's motility to fully repair U.S. relations with Cuba after more than than a one-half-century of estrangement.

Mr. Trump sought to reverse that direction after he took office, and the United States resumed voting against the resolution during his term. He went much farther, adding sanctions on Cuba and — in his final weeks in office — putting the land dorsum on the State Department'south list of state sponsors of terrorism.

The embargo tin only be rescinded by Congress.

While a full termination of the embargo seems highly unlikely any time soon, Mr. Biden is nevertheless expected to gradually movement abroad from Mr. Trump's opinion on Cuba.

Mr. Trump'southward hard-line approach to Republic of cuba's communist leadership led to an array of restrictions on tourism, visas, remittances, investments and commerce, which accept worsened an already poor economy. The pandemic compounded the issues, in large part by bringing tourism, a major source of foreign currency, to a grinding halt.

Cuba has sought to combat the virus crunch largely on its ain, with some noticeable measures of success. The Cuban health authorities said on Mon that their state'southward iii-shot Abdala vaccine against the coronavirus had shown a high rate of success in late-phase clinical trials.


Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/23/world/americas/un-resolution-cuba-embargo.html

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